In the world of business aviation, safety is our top priority. However, sometimes the culture within FBOs,  MROs, and airports can unintentionally create an environment where crews are encouraged to engage in unsafe practices. At, our mission is to provide a platform for both ground crews and leaders to highlight conditions or actions they believe may be contributing to unsafe operations. We also aim to empower crews to talk about instances of unsafe operations and potentially unreported incidents of damage.

Our website serves as a suggestion box to collect information that crews and leaders might feel hesitant to share due to concerns about their job security or reputation. It's important to note that everything shared on is COMPLETELY ANONYMOUS, and no names or identifying information will EVER be disclosed.'s primary objective is to utilize the information shared on this platform to initiate crucial conversations about the extent of unacknowledged risks within business aviation. Together, we can work towards making business aviation safer and better for all of us!

Let’s Make Aviation Safer, Together

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